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19275 rubber/QZ 19276 research and development/TYP 19277 primitive 19278 ruff/SGDM 19279 disorder/DGS 19280 Ruiz/M 19281 rulebook/S 19282 irrepressible 19283 clatter/SM 19284 normal 19285 hasty/RDZGS 19286 Russia/M 19287 reddish-brown/NPTn 19288 sachem/S 19289 sackful/S 19290 sacking/M 19291 butt/L 19292 sacral 19293 Sacramento/M 19294 Saddam/M 19295 saddle/GUDS 19296 moodiness/S 19297 healthier 19298 Sagittarius/M 19299 sago/SM 19300 sailborder's 19301 sailing-master/SM 19302 sainthood/SM 19303 saki's 19304 fervor/M 19305 salami/MS 19306 takings/DMS 19307 saleability/M 19308 Salem/M 19309 Salerno/M 19310 good discounts's/A 19311 vender/SM 19312 saleslady/S 19313 Salina/MS 19314 botulism/M 19315 ptomaine poisoning 19316 salsify/M 19317 salt-and-pepper 19318 salt-p.n/MS 19319 seawater 19320 salutatory 19321 Salzburg/M 19322 Samara/M 19323 Sammy/M 19324 Samoa/M 19325 vessel/MS 19326 Samuel/SM 19327 altar/SM 19328 Olive-brown's 19329 shuteye/M 19330 Sandra/M 19331 well-balanced/YT 19332 equilibrium 19333 confident/Y 19334 exhilaration 19335 Sanhedrin/M 19336 Santiago/M 19337 perceptive 19338 Sapporo/M 19339 The southwest/M 19340 Sarawak/M 19341 Sargasso/M 19342 SASE 19343 compensation/SEM 19344 satrap/MS 19345 saut /SGD 19346 brashly/M 19347 part 19348 aphorism/M 19349 scabby/T 19350 Scandinavia/M 19351 aspect/M 19352 Scaramouche/M 19353 chicken little/SM 19354 blustering/DGSM 19355 SCCS 19356 daily program/RDMGS 19357 floor/S 19358 ploy/SDRWGM 19359 schilling/SM 19360 Schlitz/M 19361 distillate 19362 schnitzel/SM 19363 department/GMDJS 19364 schooled/U 19365 schoolfellow/S 19366 school-leaving 19367 school-time 19368 Schumacher/M 19369 Schwartz/M 19370 glisten/M 19371 scissor/S 19372 scoff/RGDS 19373 taper holder/M 19374 score/eDfGS 19375 arrangement's 19376 Scottie/SM 19377 asswipe/YSM 19378 scrag-end 19379 lean/T 19380 motorbike/C 19381 scrapie 19382 screen/GJSMD 19383 screener 19384 screws/U 19385 scrimshaw/GSMD 19386 scripting/F 19387 scruff/2ZSMz 19388 scruffy/T 19389 scrummage/DMGS 19390 scruple/DMSG 19391 scrupulousness/M 19392 SCSI 19393 scummy/T 19394 scurf/ZM 19395 sea-green 19396 Sears's 19397 seascape/SM 19398 seasonably/U 19399 seat/UGDSA 19400 seaway/MS 19401 Sebastian/M 19402 sec 19403 second-best 19404 second-class 19405 second-degree 19406 secrecy/SM 19407 sectarian/S 19408 sectioned/A 19409 sections/EA 19410 sect's/I 19411 secure/SYDG 19412 securer 19413 sedative/S 19414 sedentary 19415 seduction/M 19416 seductive/P 19417 seed/MD2GSRZp 19418 seeds/A 19419 seem/YSkGD 19420 seersucker/SM 19421 see-through 19422 segregable 19423 segregationist 19424 seigneur/MS 19425 select/KSGCDA 19426 selenographer/MS 19427 self-appointed 19428 self-assertion 19429 self-congratulation 19430 self-conscious/Y 19431 self-contradictory 19432 self-denial 19433 self-determination 19434 self-government 19435 self-improvement 19436 selfless/Y 19437 selflessness 19438 self-parody 19439 self-portrait/S 19440 self-reliant 19441 self-righteous/Y 19442 self-seeker/S 19443 self-seeking 19444 self-sufficiency 19445 self-tapping 19446 self-torture 19447 Seljuk/M 19448 sell/ASceGf 19449 semen/M 19450 semicircle/SM 19451 semifinal/3MS 19452 semiotician 19453 semi-skimmed 19454 Semitic/SM 19455 send/ASG 19456 se orita/SM 19457 sense/DGnSpMb 19458 sensibly/I 19459 sensor/SM 19460 sensuousness 19461 sentient/I 19462 sentiment/SKM 19463 sentimentalism/MS 19464 sentinel/DGSM 19465 Seoul/M 19466 sequel/MS 19467 sequence/RSMGD 19468 sequin/MSD 19469 Serafin/M 19470 serape/S 19471 Serb/MS 19472 serenity 19473 serf/SM 19474 serfdom/SM 19475 sergeant/MS 19476 serial/qQ-8SY 19477 series 19478 serotonin 19479 serrate/NnD 19480 serration/M 19481 serviceability/M 19482 serviceableness 19483 servile/Y 19484 sesame/SM 19485 set-aside 19486 settle/RLGSD 19487 settling/UA 19488 seven/HMS 19489 seventeen/H 19490 seventy-nine/H 19491 severity/SM 19492 sewage/M 19493 sexual/Y 19494 shah/MS 19495 shakeably/U 19496 Shakespeare/M 19497 shamble/DSG 19498 shamefulness 19499 shapeliness 19500 sharkskin/M 19501 shaven/U 19502 shawl/MDS 19503 shchi 19504 sheer/GYTDS 19505 sheikh/SM 19506 Sheldon/M 19507 Shelford/M 19508 Shelly/M 19509 sherbet/SM 19510 Sherri/M 19511 Sherrie/M 19512 sherry/MS 19513 shield/SDMG 19514 Shikoku/M 19515 shin-guard 19516 shininess 19517 ship-broker/SM 19518 shipping/M 19519 Shiraz/M 19520 shirr/GDS 19521 shirtsleeve/MS 19522 shirt-tail/S 19523 shiver/dkZS 19524 shoetree/SM 19525 shoo/SDG 19526 shook 19527 shooting/S 19528 shoot-out/SM 19529 shorebird/S 19530 shortish 19531 short-term 19532 Shoshone/SM 19533 shout's 19534 show-off/S 19535 shrewish/YP 19536 Shrewsbury/M 19537 shrivel/GSD 19538 shrub/ZMS 19539 shudder/dSZ 19540 shuffle/ASGD 19541 sibilant/YS 19542 Sibley/M 19543 sick/PY 19544 sickle-feather 19545 Sid/M 19546 side-band/SM 19547 side-car/MS 19548 side-splitting 19549 side-street/SM 19550 sidetrack/SGD 19551 sidewise 19552 signature/MS 19553 signify/nNDSG 19554 silence/SRMGD 19555 Silesia/M 19556 silhouette/GDSM 19557 silicate/MS 19558 silk/SzZ2M 19559 silky/TP 19560 silt/NMDGSZ 19561 Simeon/M 19562 simoniacal 19563 simpleness 19564 simplistic/Y 19565 simultaneity/MS 19566 sin/pRSj6GDM 19567 sincere/TY 19568 single-minded 19569 sinister/Y 19570 sinuosity 19571 sinusitis/M 19572 siphon/dMS 19573 sire/CDGS 19574 sissy/MS 19575 sitar/M3S 19576 six-fold 19577 six-pack/S 19578 sixty/HMS 19579 sixty-one 19580 sixty-second/S 19581 sixty-two 19582 sixty-twofold 19583 sizzle/DSG 19584 skelter 19585 sketchpad 19586 ski-jump/RGD 19587 ski-plane 19588 Skippy/M 19589 skol 19590 skylark/GDSM 19591 skyward/S 19592 slag/SMDG 19593 slander/dSM 19594 slantwise 19595 slap/MGSD 19596 slavery/SM 19597 slay/RSG 19598 sledge/SGDM 19599 sleek/TGYD 19600 sleepyhead/SM 19601 sleigh/SRMDG 19602 slenderest 19603 slime/2MSZ 19604 slip-ons 19605 slit/MRSDG 19606 sloe/SM 19607 slothful/P 19608 slow/TSPDGY 19609 slowish 19610 slummy/T 19611 slyer 19612 smallholder/S 19613 smallpox/M 19614 smartest 19615 smegma/W 19616 smeller/M 19617 smelly/PT 19618 smidgeon 19619 Smithfield/M 19620 smog/MZ 19621 smoking-room 19622 SMTP 19623 snaffle/GDSM 19624 snaky/T 19625 snazzy/TY 19626 sneezer 19627 snowboard/GRDS 19628 snowline 19629 snuffbox/MS 19630 soapy/T 19631 societal 19632 socio 19633 sociobiology/M 19634 Socratic/S 19635 soda/SM 19636 Sodom/M 19637 SOE 19638 soft/cP 19639 softest 19640 soft-heartedness 19641 soggy/TY 19642 soiled/U 19643 soldering 19644 sole/FADGS 19645 solid/YS 19646 solidness 19647 solitary/S 19648 solved/U 19649 soma/M 19650 someday 19651 Somme/M 19652 somnambulist/SM 19653 somnolence/M 19654 sonar/M 19655 Sonja/M 19656 sonorous/YP 19657 soot/MZ 19658 soothsayer/SM 19659 soothsaying 19660 Sophoclean 19661 sortieing 19662 soubriquet/M 19663 sounded/A 19664 soundproof/DGS 19665 sourish 19666 south-eastern 19667 south-eastward/S 19668 southernmost 19669 space/DmRM5SGJ 19670 spandrels 19671 spanned/U 19672 spareribs 19673 sparers 19674 sparer's 19675 sparkle/GRkDS 19676 spasm/MS 19677 spathe/MS 19678 spatial/Y 19679 spatter/dS 19680 specie/MoS 19681 spelling/MaS 19682 spend/eScaG 19683 sphere/M1WwS 19684 sphincter/MS 19685 sphinx/SM 19686 spine/pMS2Z 19687 spinnaker/SM 19688 spinsterish 19689 spiritedness 19690 spirit's 19691 splendid/PY 19692 spline/MDS 19693 Spock/M 19694 spoken/Uea 19695 sporting/U 19696 sportsmanlike/U 19697 sportswear/M 19698 spotty/TP 19699 spout/DGS 19700 spreadable 19701 spreader/SM 19702 Springfield/M 19703 springtime/M 19704 sprucer 19705 sprue/M 19706 spunk/MZ 19707 squally/T 19708 squarish 19709 squaw/MS 19710 squelchy/T 19711 squib/DGMS 19712 squire/YGMDS 19713 squirearch/Zw 19714 squirmy/T 19715 stabled 19716 stableful/S 19717 stablish 19718 stacked/U 19719 staff/ADGS 19720 stage-hand/SM 19721 stagnant/Y 19722 staid/PY 19723 stained-glass 19724 stair/MS 19725 stake/MDSG 19726 stakeholder/S 19727 Stalingrad/M 19728 stance/ISM 19729 standard-bearer/SM 19730 standee/MS 19731 Standish/M 19732 standoffish/Y 19733 standpoint/SM 19734 Stansted/M 19735 staphylococci 19736 stapled/U 19737 stare/S 19738 starfish/MS 19739 Starkey/M 19740 startle/GkDS 19741 starveling/M 19742 stately/TP 19743 stater/Ma 19744 stationmaster/M 19745 stature/MS 19746 staunch/DTSGY 19747 steadiest 19748 steamship/MS 19749 Steele/M 19750 steelwork/RSM 19751 Steen/M 19752 steeplechase/GSM 19753 steepness 19754 Steinberg/M 19755 Steinmetz/M 19756 stemmed/U 19757 step/cDGS 19758 stepfather/SM 19759 Stephenson/M 19760 steps/aI 19761 stereotype/ZMDGSWw1 19762 sterling/PMY 19763 steroid/MS 19764 Steven/MS 19765 stewardship/SM 19766 stickler/SM 19767 Stilton/M 19768 stimulant/SM 19769 stimulation/MS 19770 Stine/M 19771 stingy/PT 19772 stinkpot/M 19773 stir/GSJDR 19774 stirred/U 19775 stock/GcDAS 19776 stockbroking 19777 stockpiler/M 19778 stodgy/TY 19779 Stoke-on-Trent/M 19780 stole/MS 19781 stopwatch/MS 19782 storeroom/MS 19783 storyline 19784 storyteller/MS 19785 stoup/SM 19786 stout-hearted/Y 19787 strati 19788 stratify/NGnDS 19789 Strauss 19790 Stravinsky/M 19791 straw/MZS 19792 straw-colour/D 19793 street/MS 19794 streetwalking 19795 streetwise 19796 streptococci 19797 streptomycin/M 19798 'strewth 19799 stridency/S 19800 strikeout/S 19801 strim/RGD 19802 strip/eDGS 19803 strip-searched 19804 strontium/M 19805 Stroud 19806 strung/cUA 19807 strutter/M 19808 stubbly/T 19809 studbook/SM 19810 student/SM 19811 stuffer 19812 stumper/M 19813 stung 19814 Sturm/M 19815 stymieing 19816 styrene/M 19817 sub/SGDM 19818 subaquatic 19819 Subaru/M 19820 subcategory/SM 19821 subconsciousness/S 19822 subcontinent/SM 19823 subgenus 19824 sub-head/J 19825 subjugate/DnGSN 19826 sublease/DMGS 19827 sublimity/SM 19828 sub-machine-gun 19829 submergence/SM 19830 subpoena/DGSM 19831 subscribe/AGcSD 19832 subscriber/SM 19833 subsection/SM 19834 subside/qQ-8DZGs9S 19835 subsidiary/MS 19836 subsonic 19837 subspace/SM 19838 substantiation/FMS 19839 substitutional 19840 subtest 19841 subtract/RvVGDS 19842 subtraction/SM 19843 subunit/MS 19844 suburbia/M 19845 subzero 19846 succeeder/M 19847 succession/M 19848 such 19849 such-and-such 19850 suchlike 19851 sucker/d 19852 suffer/drJS 19853 Suffolk/M 19854 suit/MldSg7 19855 suite/MS 19856 suitor/MS 19857 Sullivan/M 19858 sultana/MS 19859 Sumter/M 19860 sunbath/GRDS 19861 sunbeds 19862 sunblock/S 19863 Sundanese/M 19864 Sunderland/M 19865 sundry/S 19866 sunfish/MS 19867 suntan/DMSG 19868 super/5m 19869 supercargoes 19870 supercritical 19871 supernormal 19872 superscript/GSD 19873 superset/SM 19874 superstitious/Y 19875 supervisor/MS 19876 supervisory 19877 support/vRDkSBGV 19878 supported/U 19879 suppurate/NDSnG 19880 suppuration/M 19881 surface/RSGMD 19882 surmount/G7DS 19883 surmountable/I 19884 surreptitiousness 19885 surveyor/SM 19886 survivability/M 19887 suspect/GSD 19888 suspended/U 19889 suspensory 19890 sustain/lGBLDS 19891 suture/DGMS 19892 Suzie/M 19893 Svalbard/M 19894 svelte/Y 19895 swab/SMDG 19896 Swahili/MS 19897 Swale 19898 swallower/M 19899 swastika/SM 19900 swat/SRGD 19901 swede/SM 19902 sweetish 19903 sweetshop/SM 19904 sweet-talking 19905 Swenson/M 19906 swing/RkZSG 19907 swingier 19908 Swithin/M 19909 swizzler 19910 sybarite/MWS 19911 sycophancy/S 19912 syllable/WSM 19913 syllogism/SM 19914 sylvan 19915 symposia 19916 synchronism/M 19917 syngamous 19918 synonym/SZWM 19919 syntheses 19920 syphilis/M 19921 systole/WSM 19922 T 19923 ta/o 19924 taboo/DGMS 19925 tabor/SM 19926 tac/D2ZG 19927 taciturn/Y 19928 taciturnity/M 19929 tackle/DRMGS 19930 tactual/Y 19931 Taffy/MS 19932 tailgater/M 19933 Tait/M 19934 talc/M 19935 tall/T 19936 Talmudist 19937 tamarind/SM 19938 tambourine/MS 19939 Tammany/M 19940 tankard/SM 19941 tankful/SM 19942 Tannh user/M 19943 tannin/SM 19944 tantrum/SM 19945 tape/Sp7M 19946 tapir/SM 19947 tapped/U 19948 tarnished/U 19949 taro/SM 19950 tarpon/SM 19951 tarsal 19952 Tarzan/M 19953 task/SDMG 19954 taskmaster/MS 19955 taste/EM6jS 19956 Tatar/SM 19957 tattooist/SM 19958 tau/M 19959 Taurus/M 19960 taxation/M 19961 taxi/DSGM 19962 taxpayer/MS 19963 Tc 19964 teacup/6SM 19965 team-mate/S 19966 teapot/SM 19967 tearfulness 19968 teas/RSDkG 19969 technical/Y 19970 technology/3wSM1 19971 Ted/M 19972 tee/SGdM 19973 TEirtza/M 19974 tellurium/M 19975 temp/GMRSTD 19976 tempera/MLS 19977 ten/lSHg7M 19978 tenability/SM 19979 tenable/U 19980 tenacity/S 19981 tenderer 19982 tender-hearted/YP 19983 tendon/SM 19984 tendril/MS 19985 tenebrous 19986 TENEX/M 19987 tensionless 19988 ten-year 19989 terminable/I 19990 terminated 19991 termite/SM 19992 tern/SM 19993 Terpsichorean 19994 Terra/M 19995 terrace/GSMD 19996 Terrell/M 19997 terrorist 19998 terror-stricken 19999 terseness 20000 TESL 20001 testament/MS 20002 test-drive/G 20003 testify/RDSG 20004 tether/dMS 20005 tetracyclic 20006 tetragonal 20007 tetrapod 20008 Tewkesbury 20009 TeX's 20010 textural 20011 thalami 20012 thalamus/M 20013 thallium/M 20014 thank/D6jGpS 20015 theatrics 20016 Thebes 20017 Thelma/M 20018 thematic/S 20019 theoretical 20020 theoretician/SM 20021 therapeutic/YS 20022 thereat 20023 Therese/M 20024 thereunto 20025 thereupon 20026 thermosetting 20027 thimble/6MS 20028 thirty-four/H 20029 thirty-seven/H 20030 thirty-twofold 20031 thistledown/M 20032 Thomas 20033 thoughtful/Y 20034 thoughtfulness 20035 thoughtless/YP 20036 three-dimensional/Y 20037 three-pronged 20038 three-quarter/S 20039 throb/SGD 20040 thromboses 20041 thrombus/M 20042 throne/CSD 20043 thrown/c 20044 thunder/SZkMd 20045 thunderclap/MS 20046 thunderstorm/MS 20047 thymus/SM 20048 thyroxine/M 20049 Tibet/M 20050 Tibetan/S 20051 tilled/E 20052 tiller/EMS 20053 tilth/M 20054 time-consuming 20055 time-honoured 20056 time-server/SM 20057 time-serving/S 20058 timetable/SDGM 20059 timorousness 20060 tinder/M 20061 tinfoil/M 20062 tint/MSDG 20063 tip/RSGMD 20064 tip-top 20065 tirade/SM 20066 tireless/Y 20067 titanium/M 20068 titbit/SM 20069 titivation/M 20070 titre/MSN 20071 tizz/Z 20072 TNT 20073 token/SQM8 20074 told/AU 20075 Tomas 20076 tomfoolery/MS 20077 Tommy/MS 20078 tomtit/SM 20079 tone/IRDGS 20080 Tonya/M 20081 tooth/zMpDZ 20082 toothpaste/MS 20083 tootsy/SM 20084 topdressing/S 20085 topgallant/M 20086 topography/S1WMw 20087 topsail/MS 20088 topside/SM 20089 topspin/MS 20090 topsy-turvy 20091 Torbay 20092 tormentor/SM 20093 Torres 20094 tort's 20095 tortuous/Y 20096 total/s9MDGS 20097 totting-up 20098 touched/U 20099 tourney/DGSM 20100 town/SmM5 20101 townie/SM 20102 toxaemic 20103 toxicity/SM 20104 Toyoda/M 20105 tract/E7ASF 20106 tractability/I 20107 trade-off/S 20108 trainee/SM 20109 traipse/SGD 20110 tramcar/S 20111 tramlines 20112 tranny/S 20113 tranquillity/S 20114 transcode 20115 transcontinental 20116 transept/SM 20117 transgenic 20118 transience/ZSM 20119 translating/a 20120 transmissible 20121 transmitter/MS 20122 transplant/7Nn 20123 transubstantiation/SM 20124 transuranic 20125 transverse/Yo 20126 transvestitism 20127 trapdoor/S 20128 Travers 20129 traversal/SM 20130 treasure/DRSZMG 20131 treat/LM7ZDSG 20132 Treblinka/M 20133 treetop/MS 20134 trek/SRDGM 20135 tremble/SGYkD 20136 tremendous/Y 20137 tribunal/SM 20138 tribute's 20139 tricentennial 20140 Tricia/M 20141 trilingual 20142 trim/DTGJSRY 20143 tripartite 20144 triplication/M 20145 triptych/M 20146 trireme/SM 20147 Trish/M 20148 Trisha/M 20149 trisyllable 20150 triteness 20151 tritium/M 20152 triumvir/MS 20153 trivial/Q8q- 20154 trojan 20155 trope/WMSw1 20156 troublesome/PY 20157 troy 20158 truckload/SM 20159 trust's 20160 truth/MUSj6 20161 try/ADGS 20162 trypsin/M 20163 tsarevich 20164 tsetse 20165 Tuareg/M 20166 tubercular 20167 tugboat/MS 20168 tum/Z 20169 tumbrel/MS 20170 tumour/MS 20171 tumulus/M 20172 tune's 20173 tuning/SM 20174 Tunis/M 20175 turbot/SM 20176 turbulence/MS 20177 turmoil/M 20178 turning/SM 20179 turnip/SM 20180 TVs 20181 twenty-five/H 20182 twenty-four/H 20183 twenty-onefold 20184 twenty-six/H 20185 twice-married 20186 twiggy/T 20187 twilight/SM 20188 twin/DSdGM 20189 Twinkie 20190 twirl/DRGYS 20191 twists/U 20192 twofold 20193 type's 20194 typicality/M 20195 typography/SWMw1 20196 typology/wSM1 20197 Tyrolean/S 20198 Tyrol's 20199 ubiquitous/Y 20200 ubiquitousness 20201 UCL/M 20202 Uganda/M 20203 ugh/F 20204 ukulele/SM 20205 umbel/SM 20206 umbilici 20207 unattractiveness 20208 unbalance 20209 unbecomingness 20210 unbelief 20211 unbind/G 20212 uncial/S 20213 unclad 20214 unconnected 20215 uncool 20216 underclass 20217 undercurrent/M 20218 underflow/M 20219 underfoot 20220 underlay 20221 underpass/M 20222 undershot 20223 undersigned/M 20224 undetermined 20225 undo/G 20226 unease/2 20227 uneventful 20228 unexacting 20229 unfashionable 20230 unfavourable 20231 unflinching/Y 20232 unfrozen 20233 Unicode/M 20234 unifiable 20235 unifier/MS 20236 unilateral/Y 20237 unimportance 20238 unintelligibility 20239 unison/S 20240 univalve/SM 20241 unkind/Y 20242 unkindness 20243 unlap 20244 unlawfulness 20245 unlit 20246 unlooked-for 20247 unloose 20248 unmanliness 20249 unmannerly 20250 unmemorable 20251 unmet 20252 unmissable 20253 unneighbourliness 20254 unobliging 20255 unobservable 20256 unpin/GD 20257 unpleasant 20258 unprepared 20259 unquote 20260 unseeing/Y 20261 unstuffy 20262 unthinkable/Y 20263 untiring/Y 20264 untrue 20265 unwell 20266 unworldly 20267 unyielding/Y 20268 upbeat/MS 20269 update/DGS 20270 upfront 20271 uphold/RGS 20272 upright/YS 20273 upside/MS 20274 upside-down 20275 upstanding 20276 upstroke/MS 20277 urban/qQ8- 20278 urea/M 20279 uric 20280 urinalysis/M 20281 Urochordata 20282 urology/wM 20283 usage/SM 20284 use/cEDSAa 20285 user-friendliness 20286 usualness/U 20287 usury/MS 20288 Utah/M 20289 utilise/fSGD 20290 utopia/M 20291 UV 20292 vacuous/Y 20293 vagabondage/MS 20294 Valencia/M 20295 Valeria/M 20296 valiant/Y 20297 valuator/MS 20298 value/CnASNGD 20299 value-for-money 20300 value's 20301 vamp's 20302 vapidity/SM 20303 vaporise/RnSGD 20304 vaporize/nRSGND 20305 var.

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